San Diego’s Liberty Public Market

After a long day of flying across the country, my friend picked me up from the airport and suggested we grab something to eat. He took me to the Liberty Public Market, which is located in an old Navy building in San Diego. The building itself is an attractive peach-colored structure with beautiful floral landscaping. Upon entering the market, I was overwhelmed by the variety of cuisines available, including French, Hungarian, Filipino, Mexican, Mediterranean, Peruvian, and more. There were also unique drinks like Peruvian Chicha morada and delicious baked treats such as pastel-colored macaroons and cookies.

Additionally, there was a shop that specialized in olive oils.

I munched on some of the best empanadas I’ve had from a restaurant called Peruna. They offer a wide variety of empanadas, including a Malbec beef, a spicy beef and a mushroom choice. Each was rich in dynamic flavor tantalizing my tongue. 

I can’t encourage enough how place is worth checking out.

Located at Liberty Station

 2820 Historic Decatur Rd, San Diego, CA 

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