Tikoy Recipe


Tikoy or Nian gao is snown as Chinese New Year pudding, the Nian gao is made up of glutinous rice flour, wheat starch, salt, water, and sugar. The colour of the sugar used determines the colour of the pudding (white or brown). Tikoy or Nian Gao is considered as a centerpiece during Chinese New Year in the Philippines.

Read more: http://www.pinoyrecipe.net/special-tikoy-recipe/#ixzz2J2ZayJLN

One response to “Tikoy Recipe”

  1. yup.. something sweet for the new year. Another way of eating this is, you can dry it and cut into thin slices and then sandwich in between slices of sweet potato and yam and dipped in the flour batter and deep fried. It is also very nice. This is one of the ways Malaysian cook it especially if one receives a lot of the Nian gao. =)

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